We help students remember more and get better grades!
Amazing! In two hours I was memorizing items in minutes that would have taken me days previously.
If you study too hard, remember too little, or are tired of not knowing the right answer at the right time, then you need to take action to develop a stronger memory.
Learn the Memory Basics now to make you a better learner & student. If your academic load is overwhelming, then combine the Basics & Advanced training to master all the memory tools you’ll ever need to become a memory power recall machine. If you have an urgent test or are stuck trying to figure out how to learn that material, then do a private Coaching session with Scott.
From science to languages, history to math, preparing for finals to taking AP exams, retaining what you read to prioritizing tasks and your time, Scott Bornstein’s memory training will help you learn faster, recall more, and remember longer.
Memory Training for Students
Read on for training & coaching details and to register for the Memory Training you need.
Invest in your academic future by developing your memory power now.
Learn to re-wire your memory and achieve lightning fast recall for important facts & information and any challenging subject knowledge.
Experience the Complete Training and master the memory systems that will give you unfailing recall, superior study habits, and the confidence and strategies to manage every learning and test-taking challenge … the rest of your academic life!
Personalized Training or group workshops to help you know more, stress less, and get better grades.
Click the + for details
In five hours of 1-2-1 training, master the entire Bornstein Memory Training system and have unfailing recall, superior study systems, and the confidence and tools to manage every learning and test-taking challenge the rest of your academic life!
What you will learn:
Start with The Basics
The 5 Laws of MemoryPower
The Bornstein System
Vocabulary & Lists
Creating Your Systems
Applying the Systems
The Bornstein Number-Recall System
Reading for Speed & Mastery
Memory Note-Taking System
Test-Taking Strategies
Goals & Study Habits
Using the Systems for Any Class
Subject Matter Coaching
$75 Materials Included
Train Live Online with Scott Bornstein
5 Hours • 4 Session Training
$1,875 (save $250)
Coaching • 2 Hours
2+ Hours of Memory Coaching
Brain Rules of Total Recall
Creating Your Memory System
Memorizing Your Content
Total Mastery & Practice Strategies
2 10-minute Follow-ups
Personal 1-2-1 with Scott Bornstein
2+ Hours • 1 Session + follow-up • $850
Click the LET’S TALK! Link Below to Receive program information, pricing, and scheduling details.
We don’t rise to the level of our goals, we fall to the level of our systems & habits.
5th Grade to Middle School Subjects
High School Subjects
AP Subject Tests
SAT/ACT Verbal Prep
College Subject Matter
Law School Coursework
Pre-Med & Medical School
Nursing School
Teacher Licensing Exams
Professional Certifications
Your Content & Subjects
Schedule Sessions 5-7 Days Apart to Maximize Learning & Practice of the Systems
Access to Quizlet Practice Library for Session Review and Mastery
Training & Coaching conducted personally by Scott Bornstein
More Training Options • Coming Soon!